Jordan Bowen and Luca Marchetto, the designers behind fashion label JordanLuca, suprised everyone when they married at the end of their show at Milan Fashion Week. They made fashion history, saying "I do" in the most stylish way possible. The event went viral.

I was their celebrant – an honour they bestowed on me back in October last year when I received a WhatsApp message from Jordan saying "we've got an idea for our show in January we'd like to run by you". I've known Jordan and Luca for many years and they always think out of the box, but I couldn't imagine what on earth they'd want to be running by me, so I called Jordan immediately and he told me they wanted to get married at the end of their show. It was brilliant! Typical of them – completely bonkers.
I treated it as I would have any wedding, we had a meeting and then I sent through the questionnaires, asking them to fill them in independently of one another. Their responses were hilarious and formed the basis of their love story. There wasn't much back and forth because other than the story I was going to tell, we weren't quite sure how it was all going to pan out. There were various ideas and we firmed things up the week before. They wrote their own "vows" although they were keen to focus on love and how it is a verb that works best in action. After 14 years together they didn't feel the need to make promises to one another.
I flew out to Milan on Friday, with Jordan's mum Lisa who happens to be one of my greatest friends, and we went straight to the studio where the models were having fittings. Jordan and Luca had family and close friends walking in the show and it was so fun being surrounded by all the activity. On Saturday morning we headed to the venue where the show was being held. It was extraordinary – a cast of hundreds: models, hair, make-up, production team, designers, stylists, dressers, a choreographer.... I was immediately whisked away to have my hair styled. Not by one, but by three people at once.

Over the next couple of hours I watched as the scene was set and as models were transformed. I was so impressed by the efficiency that everything was run with. I didn't get any indication of stress, everyone was calm and things happened on time.
I changed into what I was wearing – a JordanLuca blouse and a Jasper Conran skirt – and was miked up, ready to go. Strangely I didn't have any nerves, despite never having done anything like this, certainly not in front of press and such an enormous crowd. After the models had all walked in together to stand around the stage, it was my turn, and before I knew it I was walking on the catwalk. It all felt so surreal and the best part was that no-one in the audience had any idea of what was happening. Their invitation to the show was a packet of tissues and the show's title was The Wedding, but I don't think anyone would have imagined they would be witness to a real wedding.

Jordan walked in on the arm of Lisa and Luca followed, holding hands with his father, Claudio. Slowly, slowly people were realising what was happening.
"We all know Jordan and Luca like to challenge the “normal” and they’ve excelled themselves this time. You're in for a treat.
Something completely unique and unusual, much like Luca and Jordan themselves… Is it real? Is it imagined? What is this?
Well let me tell you, the show is the wedding, and the wedding is the show."
After I said these words there were huge cheers, it really was completely wonderful. Everything went smoothly, there were lots of laughs and some tears. I'm told even the most fashion-y of fashionistas were seen dabbing at their eyes (under their sunglasses of course).
It will be hard to top, I loved every second and feel extremely lucky to have been part of something so unique and historic.